My Services

What I Offer

Personalized guidance and support tailored to your needs

Nutrition Coaching Programs
Individual Meal Plans
Nutrition Workshops
Group Programs (soon)

Coaching Packages for Your Journey

Explore my range of service combinations – individual to your needs.

Plant-Based for Beginner

Are you curious about transitioning to a
plant-based diet but unsure where to start & questioning whether you would get all nutrients from it. Do you want to feel not only healthy but energized? This Plant-Based Transition Coaching package is designed just for you.

Healthier & More Energized

Looking to take your nutrition to the next level? This Advanced Plant-Based Coaching package is designed for individuals who are experienced with vegetarian diets and are ready to optimize their health and performance.

Lose & Maintain Weight

Are you looking to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way and to maintain this lifestyle on a plant-based diet? My Plant-Based Weight Loss and Maintenance Coaching package is specifically designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals while adopting a sustainable plant-based lifestyle.

Gain & Maintain Weight

Are you looking to gain weight in a healthy and sustainable way and to maintain this lifestyle on a plant-based diet? My Plant-Based Weight Loss and Maintenance Coaching package is specifically designed to help you achieve your weight goals while adopting a sustainable plant-based lifestyle.

You Name it !

None of the programs resonate with you, but you want nutritional coaching tailored to your needs? Get in touch with me and we can adjust a program specifically for you.

All of my Programs contain the following Services

Personalized Nutrition Coaching

Receive individualized consultations to achieve your health goals and nutritional needs.

Meal Planning & Recipes

Custom meal plans and delicious recipes tailored to your preferences and requirements

Nutritional Education

Informative sessions to educate you about optimal plant-based eating and shopping tips

Recipe Books

Explore diverse plant-based recipes in our published recipe books for culinary inspiration

Make a First Step

To a Happy & Healthier Lifestyle

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